To assist in planning and determining appropriate response strategies, Pasadena City College (PCC) has identified the levels of emergencies. Examples of the different types of emergencies within each level are listed below.


Minor: An incident involving a limited area that causes minimal impact or interruption to the campus. A limited number of PCC emergency response personnel are needed to control the situation.

Chemical spills or fires within a specific room or localized area.


Moderate: A significant emergency that disrupts an entire floor or building and that may require assistance from external organizations. These events may escalate quickly and have serious consequences for mission-critical functions and/or safety resulting in automatic activation of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

Severe weather forecasts, to include windstorms on property or near the campus, advance warning of power outages, or large demonstrations held on or near the campus.


Major: A major emergency that involves multiple buildings or that impacts the entire campus and the surrounding community. A timely resolution of disaster conditions requires college-wide cooperation, extensive coordination with external jurisdictions and automatic activation of the EOC.

Large gas leaks, significant earthquakes, fire, acts of terrorism, or active shooter.